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What Are The Symptoms & Causes of Rotator Cuff Injury

23rd Dec, 2019

best rotator cuff repair surgeons in bangalore

The group of muscles & tendons that surrounds the human shoulder joint & helps with the rotation of the arm is known as the rotator cuff. Most common injuries to the rotator cuff are due to repeated overhead movement of the arms, especially sportspersons & manual labourers along with people of age. There are cases when genetics might also be a factor in contributing to rotator cuff injury.

Rotator cuff injury symptoms:

  1. Persistent & dull ache in the shoulder 

  2. Limited arm mobility on the injured side 

  3. Sudden weakness in the arm

With repeated overhead movements & lifting heavy objects, there's a risk of a substantial injury aside from the simple wear & tear of the muscle. If the injury is neglected and no treatment is administered, there could be complications like degeneration of the shoulder joint leading up to the total loss of motion in the arm. Ironically, immobilizing the shoulder can also cause it to “lock-up”.

In case of an injury due to repetitive motion, the lack of it in recovery can also make matters worse. A well-balanced exercise that not only focuses on the muscles in the front part of the body but also the muscles in the back of the shoulder & the shoulder blade is extremely important for better balance. 

If you are involved in repeated movements of the rotator cuff, you might be at the risk of suffering or already suffering from this injury. If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned, do not delay treatment & seek out the advice of a doctor or Shoulder Surgeon in Bangalore to understand the course of action. If you are looking to consult a surgeon well versed in rotator cuff injuries, SAKRA World Hospital has one of the Best Rotator Cuff Repair Surgeons in Bangalore.


Dr. Banarji B.H

Senior Consultant - Orthopedics

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