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NABH Accredited

Sakra World Hospital is now accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH), the highest recognition for quality patient care and safety in India thereby joining the league of very few NABH accredited hospitals in Bangalore

NABH Accreditation Is A Mark Of Excellence In Patient Safety And Quality Patient Care That Ensures:

  • Commitment to create a culture of quality, patient safety, efficiency and accountability towards patient care
  • Establishment of protocols and policies as per National/International Standards for patient care, medication management, consent process, patient safety, clinical outcomes, medical records, infection control and staffing.
  • Patients are treated with respect, dignity and courtesy at all times.
  • Patients are involved in care planning and decision making.
  • Patients are treated by qualified and trained staff.
  • Feedback from patients is sought and complaints (if any) are addressed.
  • Transparency in billing and availability of tariff list.
  • Continuous monitoring of its services for improvement.
  • Commitment to prevent adverse events that may occur.​

NABL Accredited Laboratory Service

Our department of laboratory medicine provides timely and accurate results to help doctors in treating their patients. Providing timely and accurate reports using state of the art technology and processes has been the goal right from the conceptualization and planning stage of the laboratory.

Ours is the first hospital based lab in Karnataka to get the NABL (National Accreditation Board for testing and calibration Laboratories) accreditation within one year of operations for the entire scope of services - Clinical Pathology, Cytopathology, and Clinical chemistry, Haematology, Immunohematology, Histopathology, Microbiology and Serology.

The laboratory is accredited in accordance with ISO 15189: 2012 standard in May 2015 and the certificate of accreditation is valid till May 2019.

NABH Accredited Blood Bank Services

The Blood Bank associated with Sakra World Hospital has a valid License from the Drug Control Department, Government of Karnataka and is also accredited by the NABH. Whereas Licensing is the minimal requirement, Accreditation has helped in:

  • Improving the quality and safety of collecting, processing, testing, transfusion and distribution of blood and blood components.
  • Improving effectiveness, efficiency, cost containment and accountability by reducing errors and increasing safety in the system and has provided an opportunity to benchmark with the best.
  • The focus of accreditation is on continuous improvement by assessing the quality and operational systems and hence continuous learning for the staff.
  • Provides a safe and efficient work environment for the staff which has contributed to job satisfaction.

Safety Measures For Patient Care:

At Sakra World Hospital, the best of the clinical processes, hospital practices and safety precautions are followed to protect our patients with care both physically and medically.

Protect and safeguard our patients from any harm and infection and maintain the highest safety standards for a safe workplace for all.

A patient safety management team committee is on the spot to oversee this.

Team of senior nurses from Japan will work alongside Indian Nurses giving the specific attention by following the Japan procedures in its endeavour to provide the best of the patient care

Safe I Certification

Strengthening our Vision - Commitment towards providing SAFE patient care services across all segments we have successfully achieved the "NABH SAFE- I Certificate in 2017" . The certification program projects:

  • Continuous training and monitoring on policies and strategic practices of SAFE-I: Safe Injection, Safe Infusion, Infection prevention, Safe patient care equipment ensuring standardized Quality of care and environment to all Patients.
  • Component of Health care worker safety ensures safety of our employees.
  • Proper Biomedical waste segregation according to statutory guidelines ensures Community Safety.

Quality Standards And Management Facilities:

The quality standards and management facilities of Toyota Tsusho and the technological expertise of the Secom Hospitals make Sakra World Hospital Truly a World Class Hospital.

  • Delivering high quality medical care through cutting edge technology and highly skilled manpower.
  • Caring beyond the treatment includes complete after-care, being responsible for the patients’ well-being and continuous enhancement of his quality of life.

Sakra Clinical Excellence System:

Medical treatment demands very complex and organised efforts from various clinicians, surgeons and paramedical staff calling for a systematic approach with zero tolerance towards errors. Towards this, the Sakra World Hospital has established a system called Sakra Clinical Excellence System.

This System offers the best of the world’s clinical care and has been derived from various systems and best practices across industries.

  • The System has been prompted by national and international quality accreditation systems followed in Toyota Kirloskar Motors, SECOM medical system, Japan and Malcolm Baldrige.
  • Quality metrics are monitored through comprehensive key performance indicators (KPIs) encompassing stringent quality checks on various aspects related to delivery of care, including care coordination among the doctors, nurses and paramedical staff. This ensures patients receive right medication/treatment at the right time by the person with utmost care.

Highly Sophisticated OTs With Advanced Technologies

  • 12 integrated modular Operation theatres with cutting edge technologies like OR integration solution that features video input recording, saving and displaying from range of sources like surgical camera,
  • peripheral camera, and MIS camera enabling live video and audio streaming of surgeries from the operating room
  • The OT complex consists of dedicated pre-op and post-op areas, sterile and decontamination room besides a waiting area and a counselling room
  • The hospital is equipped with 80 ICU beds supported with high end equipment and central monitoring system, dedicated isolation rooms for patients who are highly infection prone 24-Hour level 1 emergency and trauma care unit, the first of its kind, a top notch.

Nursing Service Excellence Certification

Our Department of Nursing has also achieved NABH Nursing Service Excellence Certification.

Nurses are integral to hospitalized patients care, nurses also are pivotal in hospital efforts to improve quality. This certification programme :

  • Stimulates continuous improvement
  • Enables in demonstrating our vision - commitment to quality care which
  • Raises community confidence in the services provided by the hospital
  • Provides opportunity to the organization to benchmark with the best.
  • Creates an environment for nurses by recognizing and rewarding competence. professional growth and
  • Encourages decision making at the bedside over clinical issues
  • Gives high job satisfaction
  • Helps in low turnover of nurses and more stability, focuses on professional autonomy
  • Enhances Interdisciplinary collaboration
Health Checkup