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Best Gastroenterology Hospital in Bangalore


The Sakra Institute of Digestive and HPB (Hepato-pancreato-biliary) sciences has two departments, i.e., Medical and Surgical. At Sakra World Hospital, recognized as the Best Gastroenterology Hospital in Bangalore, we strive to offer patients a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to all gastrointestinal, liver, pancreatic, and gallbladder-related problems, with a focus on both medical and surgical gastro care.

The Medical Gastroenterology has a dedicated, qualified, and experienced team that provides clinical evaluation; state of art endoscopy suites with a focus on high-end technology; emphasis on patient safety; disinfection protocols; with high ethical values. We have an excellent supporting team which includes experienced GI surgeons, Interventional radiologists, GI pathologists, ICU specialists, Anaesthesiologists, and gastroenterologists in Bangalore.
The Department focuses on:

1. Minimally Invasive Advanced Interventional Endoscopy services which deal with:

Removing bile duct stones
Other than the conventional methods of removing bile duct stones (ERCP), our centre has the expertise and facilities to remove the largest of stones in the bile duct by a technology called spyglass and holmium laser. In the absence of these high-end technologies, most of them would require surgery.

Providing Relief of Jaundice by Endoscopy routes for patients with obstruction of the bile duct due to Gall bladder/ Pancreatic/ and Bile duct cancers.

Endoscopic treatment for Pancreatitis like stone removal, stenting, and drainage of fluid collection (Pseudocyst and walled pancreatic necrosis).

Endoscopic removal of early tumours of the stomach/colon by endoscopic mucosal resection; requires high-end technology and skills which are not readily available in most of the centres in our country.

Being the best gastroenterology hospital in Bangalore, we also provide endoscopic palliation for Gastrointestinal Advanced Cancers (Oesophageal/Stomach/Colon) by Oesophageal/ Antral / Colonic Stenting.

Ours is one of the rare centres which has the expertise to visualize the small intestine by Single Balloon Enteroscopy for patients with gastrointestinal bleeding where the source is not detectable by conventional upper endoscopy and colonoscopy.

We have the latest Endoscopic Ultrasound which helps us to diagnose bile duct and pancreatic stones/tumours and also to find the cause of pancreatitis where conventional imaging would have not delineated the cause.  Focused tissue samples from the diseased areas can be taken which is otherwise difficult by conventional methods.
2. Gastrointestinal Physiology Lab

We have a dedicated Gastrointestinal Physiology Lab which performs PH metry, Esophageal, and Anorectalmanometry for patients with refractory or difficult to treat Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)/Constipation/ and Fecal incontinence. We also offer biofeedback therapy for constipation and anal incontinence.
3. Liver Unit

We have a focused Liver Unit which mainly focuses on diagnosing the cause of liver problems; optimising the treatment; and for advanced liver disease patients we offer technically demanding procedures like:
  • TIPSS for patients with difficult-to-treat ascites (Fluid in the abdomen)
  • Hepatic Vein Stenting/IVC Stenting for blockade of blood vessels in the liver.
  • TACE/RFA for liver cancers
  • Transjugular Liver Biopsy
We have a dedicated team of doctors who have vast experience in managing various liver diseases and also have performed liver transplants earlier.   Our centre is awaiting permission to start the liver transplant programme shortly.
4. Endoscopic Treatment of Obesity

Our centre has the expertise for the Endoscopic Treatment of Obesity by placing balloons into the stomach endoscopically for achieving weight loss for a select group of patients.
5. Luminal Clinical

We also have a focused team that deals with Gastrointestinal Luminal problems like inflammatory bowel disease (Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease). These patients often require regular follow-up and endoscopic procedures, and in certain difficult-to-treat patients initiating specialised treatment with biologicals.



Diagnostic services
  • Upper GI endoscopy for
    • Retrosternal burning sensation and reflux disease
    • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Endoscopy with NBI for
    • Early detection of esophageal cancers
    • Manometry for difficulty in swallowing
    • Ph Metry for reflux disease
  • Endoscopic Ultrasound for
    • Evaluation of submucous lesions/ growth
    • Assessment of resectability of tumors
Therapeutic services
  • Control of GI bleeding – EVL/EST
  • Foreign body removal
  • Esophageal stricture dilatation
  • Esophageal stent placement
  • Ballon dilatation for Achalasia
  • Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) for Achalasia
  • EMR/ ESD for early esophageal cancer

Diagnostic services
  • Upper GI endoscopy for evaluation of
  • Endoscopic Ultrasound for
    • Evaluation of submucosal lesions
Therapeutic services
  • Bleeding ulcer – Injection therapy, Clipping of vessel, and thermal ablation
  • Glue injection for gastric varix bleed
  • Stent placement for gastric outlet obstruction
  • Feeding tube/ PEG tube placement
  • Foreign body removal
  • APC for GAVE
  • EMR/ESD for early gastric cancer
  • Balloon placement for treatment of obesity 

Diagnostic services
  • Endoscopic Ultrasound for
    • Detection of small bile duct stones and tumors
    • Diagnosis of early Chronic Pancreatitis
    • Evaluation of Pancreatic Cancers
    • Tissue acquisition from lymph nodes, and pancreatic lesions
  • Choledochoscope/Spyglass
    • For evaluation of bile duct stricture
    • To rule out bile duct cancers
Therapeutic services
ERCP for
  •         Metal and plastic stent placement for biliary obstruction/ portal biliopathy
  •         Bile duct stone removal
  •         Endoscopic management of bile duct inuries
  •         Pancreatic duct stone removal
  •         Accessory pancreatic duct sphincterotomy and stenting for Pancreas divisum
  •         Drainage of pancreatic pseudocyst  
  •         Pancreatic duct stenting for  -
    • Pancreatic duct stricture
    • Pancreatico pleural fistula
    • Traumatic pancreatic duct disruption
  • Endoscopic necrosectomy
  • Endoscopic Ultrasound for
    • Drainage of pancreatic pseudocyst  
    • Celiac ganglion block/neurolysis 

Enteroscopy for diagnosis and management of small intestinal
  • Bleeding
  • Tumors

Diagnostic services
  • Colonoscopy for
    • Blood in stool
    • Long-standing diarrhea
    • Colonic obstruction
    • Detecting cancers
  • Endoscopy with NBI for
    • Early detection of colonic cancers
  • Manometry for
    • Severe constipation (due to pelvic floor dysfunction)
    • Fecal incontinence
  • Endoscopic Ultrasound for
    • Evaluation of anal sphincter defects
Therapeutic services
  • Polypectomy for  colonic polyps
  • Endoscopic mucosal/ submucosal dissection for precancerous lesions and early cancers
  • Colonic decompression
    • Tumor-related obstruction (endoscopic metal stent placement)
    • Non-tumor related ( Volvulus and pseudo-obstruction)
  • Colonic/ piles bleeding ( Banding/ injection therapy/ Clip placement)
  • Biofeedback for severe constipation and fecal incontinence
  • HEPATO PANCREATO BILIARY CLINIC for liver, gall bladder, bile duct, and pancreatic diseases.
  • LUMINAL CLINIC for Chronic diarrhea, Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, Swallowing disorders, Dyspepsia, and Reflux disease.

Team of Medical Gastroenterology & Liver Diseases

Key Procedures

Medical Gastroenterology Procedure


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  • Esophageal Swallowing Disorders

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  • Stomach flu - Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

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  • Chronic Pancreatitis - Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

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Sakra Patient Testimonials

  • Thank you Sakra Hospital for helping us and my father to get better and lead a good lifestyle in the future.

    KK Ganapathy, the patient was sent here to Sakra World Hospital to consult Dr. Dinesh Kini regarding the TIPS procedure for his liver from Mysore. After meeting the doctor, he supported us to further dig into the issue rather than directly jumping i...

  • I had multiple health issues .. but doctors were very precise with their treatment plan.

    I was undergoing treatment at Delhi for last 6 months, but my daughter advised me to come to Sakra World Hospital, Bangalore and meet the Gastro team here. 27th Feb I came from Assam and had a discussion with Dr. Dinesh Kini about my  condition ...

  • Testimonial by Mr. Ravish

    I am very happy to inform that my deceased donor liver transplant surgery went successfully on 25/03/2018. I was treated with the utmost care by the higher management, doctors, and other staff from the first day of my stay as I was a liver transplant...

  • Testimonial by Mr. Ramakrishnan

    Surgery went fine without any complications. Really thanks to Dr. Satish sir and team and thanks to duty doctor and nurses, special thanks to Dr. Honey A. madam and team. Dr. Satish explained everything smoothly and with understanding. Hospital is ne...

1. What are the home remedies for GI disorders?

Ginger promotes GI motility, Turmeric improves ulcer problems and prevents the formation of cancer and Senna and husk will help manage constipation.

2. What is the difference between Anal fissures and Haemorrhoids?

An anal fissure is a small tear in the anal region. Bleeding is very painful, and one will be unable to tolerate pain. Hemorrhoids are dilated veins of blood vessels in the lower part of the GI tract (anal canal) where bleeding is painful. For effective diagnosis and treatment, it’s essential to consult the Best Gastroenterology Hospital in Bangalore.

3. What causes food indigestion?

Some causes of indigestion can be infection or change in food intake or overeating.

4. What causes food poisoning?

Eating unhygienic food, spoiled or toxic food can cause food poisoning.

5. What are probiotics and how are they helpful?

Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts which are good for the digestive system. It helps prevent infection and promote gut health.

6. What causes constipation?

Constipation is caused due to factors like age, lack of sufficient fluid intake, low fibre, and changes in the food you eat or your activities.

7. What is the role of yoga and exercise in GI diseases?

It is recommended by a gastroenterologist physician to perform 30-40 minutes of Aerobics, walking, jogging, swimming, playing badminton, etc that help to stabilize gut motility. Yoga will also help with mental balance and specific yoga poses help to manage constipation. For comprehensive gastroenterology care, consider visiting a reputable gastrology hospital in Bangalore.

080 4969 4969

SY NO 52/2 & 52/3,
Devarabeesanahalli, Varthur
Hobli, Bangalore- 560 103

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