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Stem Cell Treatment & Torn Rotator Cuff

23rd Dec, 2019

arthroscopic rotator cuff repair surgeon in bangalore

There are a variety of ways you can injure your rotator cuff; from a fall or accident heavy lifting or swinging motion or deterioration of the muscle & ligament from ageing. In case of a complete tear in the rotator cuff, it is not feasible to move the arm in a normal range.

Stem cell treatment

In comparison to the harsher treatments for torn rotator cuff, stem cell injections might make better alternatives. It is important to determine the extent of the injury as in case of a complete tear, surgery is absolutely required. Partial tears in the rotator cuff on the other h &, make stem cell treatment ideal. Precise analysis of a shoulder wound is very important to choose a treatment plan; MRI inspection is needed to recognize the particulars of a rotator cuff injury.

During stem cell treatment, the joints are injected with the guidance of X-ray, whereas tendons are injected with the help of an ultrasound. This sort of treatment provides therapy for partial ligament & muscle tears as well as cartilage damage due to sensitive injury or chronic degeneration. The process is completed in an outpatient facility, takes just about 1 hours to execute, & does not necessitate a common anaesthetic.

Recovery after the surgery

It is significantly easier to bounce back from a stem cell procedure as compared to a surgical one. Normal activities after a stem cell process can be resumed after 1 - 2 days & rigorous sports activities based on their exertion & injury treatment heal in about 1 - 3 months. Majority of the patients do not require physical therapy post the procedure. For small & partial tears, stem cell therapy is considered as an outstanding substitute for surgery.

SAKRA World Hospital has an extensive set up to perform stem cell treatments for rotator cuff injuries. If you're looking for an Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair Surgeon in Bangalore to perform this procedure visit our physicians who are assisted by a well-experienced staff & excellent facilities.


Dr. Banarji B.H

Senior Consultant - Orthopedics

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