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13-year-old boy unable to voluntarily control his urination goes through a unique surgery and gets a fresh lease of life

20th May, 2021

Pediatric Urology Surgeon Bangalore

Imagine the misery, a 13-year-old boy has to go through, if he is unable to control his urination in front of his friends, family and in a social gathering and helplessly wets his pants and smells pungent every time he has to urinate with the fear of getting mocked, bullied and laughed at. He was getting repeated urinary tract infections and constant suffering for which regular medications were required. That’s exactly what had happened with Bangalore - based Harsh (name changed), a teenager whose self-esteem got shattered and social life went haywire. The reason, a congenital disease that he was born with - Myelo Meningocele (MMC), a birth defect in which a developing baby's spinal cord fails to develop properly.

A newborn with Myelo Meningocele (MMC) is usually presented with swelling at the lower back and Harsh was no exception. He underwent surgery to remove the swelling containing nerves at the age of one year. According to Dr. Anil Kumar, Senior Consultant and HOD- Paediatric Surgery, Sakra World Hospital,  if the swelling is removed then over a period there is a risk that the nerves attached to this site start having a pulling effect and the child may start developing weakness in both legs and lose control over the bladder and bowel movements. 

The first 9 years after the removal of swelling was not that difficult for the child, but from the last year, he was not in a good position. He almost lost control over his urinary bladder and was not able to urinate properly. He kept on storing the urine in the bladder and suffered from a repeated urinary infection, urine leaking & swelling of the kidney and ureter which was threatening to damage his kidneys. Long-term urinary infection was not good for Harsh and also there was a risk of kidney damage and other health complications. 

Dr. Anil Kumar, best pediatric urology surgeon Bangalore says, “It was at this point of time when he was brought to us and our team of efficient doctors worked on his condition till we decided to conduct a unique procedure on him - Laparoscopic Appendicovesicostomy, a procedure where the appendix is used to connect the urinary bladder to the umbilicus (navel).”

How was the procedure conducted?

Dr. Anil Kumar performed surgery laparoscopically where keyholes were made on the patient’s body. He used the appendix and connected it to the patient’s bladder through the umbilicus. All Harsh has to do now is to go to the restroom at regular intervals, use the tube to empty the urine.

No big cut was made on the abdomen, hence, the cosmetic appearance is good. Also, post-operative recovery has been faster. Besides, the clinical outcome has been excellent. The child is no longer facing any difficulty in passing out urine and is able to empty his urinary bladder at frequent intervals. There is no risk of repeated urinary tract infection and no pressure effect on kidneys anymore, thereby no risk of damage to his kidneys., Harsh is healthy and fit.  

Post the surgery, Harsh is doing absolutely fine and has been able to come out of the long trauma that he was suffering from being able to safeguard his social image like any other teenager. He has begun with his regular schooling, attending classes and social functions, making new friends, and leading a normal life like never before. 

Sakra World Hospital is one of the best child hospital in Bangalore, offering state-of-the-art tertiary care in various pediatric specialities. The center has an outstanding team of pediatric surgeon in Bangalore covering all subspecialties in pediatrics to provide comprehensive management of problems of neonates and children.


Dr. Anil Kumar Pura Lingegowda

HOD & Senior Consultant -Paediatric Surgery

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