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6th Apr, 2021
What is an Inguinal Hernia?
A hernia may be a protrusion of some of the contents of the abdomen into the groin area. It is a common problem in children, particularly seen in boys. This occurs because there is an area of weakness or passage-way which originally allowed the testis to descend from the tummy cavity into the scrotum. If this passage stays open, a loop of bowel can pass from the abdominal cavity into the groin and sometimes even right down to the scrotum. This is found painful for the kid and may damage both the testis and the bowel if it gets obstructed. In girls, a hernia may contain one of the ovaries and this may also get damaged whilst inside the hernia. A hernia should therefore always be repaired once it's been diagnosed irrespective of age, especially in children who are below 12 months of age as the risk of the obstruction is highest.
Sakra World Hospital has the best laparoscopic hernia surgeon in Bangalore, experienced in treating any kind of hernia. For inguinal hernia surgery in Bangalore consult the best hernia treatment hospital near you.
Inguinal Herniotomy
The aim of this procedure is to close the communication from the tummy cavity into the groin area. Unlike the operation in adults, here repair of weak muscle tissue or use of artificial mesh material is not required. The operation is performed as a daycare under general anesthesia. Generally, the operation lasts for 40 minutes.
Preparing for the Procedure
A child will get to fast generally for about 6 hours before the beginning of the procedure. Breastfeeding is allowed 4 hours before surgery. The child will be admitted to the Daycare ward before the surgery for Anesthesia and Surgical Briefing. It is often helpful to bring your child’s favourite toy on this day.
Feel free to reach any best hernia hospital in Bangalore and ask any questions you have regarding hernia surgery.
You and your child will meet the anesthetist in the morning before the procedure. After the briefing session and examining your child, they're going to take one of the parents along with the kid to the operating room, they will get to accompany the child until they are asleep. The anesthetist puts your child to sleep via a mask (with children 5 years and over there's the choice of either a mask or a needle).
Once the child is asleep, the anesthetist will insert a ‘drip’ to permit fluids to tend directly into a vein. Usually, this is often located within the hand or arm.
Cleaning the groin area with an antiseptic solution. A local anesthetic block is injected into the area so that the location of the operation is numb after the operation. This block usually lasts for about 4-6 hours. A cut is made within the groin on the side of the hernia. Once the communication between the abdomen cavity and the groin has been found, in boys it must be very carefully peeled off as it has two important tubes: the vessel to the testis and the sperm tube. The communication can then be tied up.
In girls, the ovary may have to be pushed back to the abdomen cavity before this step is performed. Then the wound is closed with dissolving stitches which are buried under the skin. A clear, water-resistant dressing is done to cover up the wound.
Recovery Post Procedure
After the completion of the operation, your child will be taken to the recovery room or area. Once awake, you'll be called into the recovery ward. Initially, children appear mildly distressed and a little confused due to the residual effects of the anesthetic, hunger, and discomforts. Generally, they're going to settle quite quickly, especially if offered a drink or feed. The recovery and ward staff also are ready to give pain relief medication once your child is awake and this is often sometimes required. The nursing staff will check the wound and make sure there is no bleeding before you go home. Usually, this may be about 2 hours after the surgery.
As a result of the local anesthetic nerve block, your child may complain of a numb sensation within the groin and in some cases some weakness within the leg on the side of the surgery. This is temporary and will generally settle within a day or 2 days after the operation.
Return to Normalcy
Your child may return to daycare or school when comfortable, usually within 4-6 days. They should not participate in sports or swim for 3 weeks after the surgery and should strictly avoid riding straddle toys (bikes, walkers) for two full weeks after surgery. While travelling in the car they use car seats/Bassinet.
Looking for the best hospital for hernia repair in Bangalore, then consult Sakra World Hospitals where your child will get the best treatment and care.
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