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My name is Ayesha. I would like to share my experience on pulmonary rehabilitation sessions I have been going through since last 2 months. I am actually a patient of Dr. Sachin Kumar at your hospital. I have been diagnosed with bronchiectasis and the...
28 May, 2019
Dear Sir, On the advice of my consultant Dr. sachin Kumar, I joined Pulmonary Rehabilitation in your department under the able supervision of Ms Komal, I started on 23-6-2018 and attended 15 sessions till 10-8-18. Again I joined the followup...
28 May, 2019
I am a patient of Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) since 2014. During the course of my treatment, I had consulted Hospitals, like Apollo, Max, and AIIMS and now recently Sakra World Hospital. The treatment of Dr. Guleria, Director AIIMS suite...
28 May, 2019
My experience of Pulmonary Rehabilitation at Sakra World Hospital 1. I have been under treatment for pulmonary problems including COPD by Dr. Sachin of Sakra for over two years. I was doing very well under his treatment. 2. During Feb-Mar 201...
28 May, 2019
I, Dipak Chattopadhyay, came to Sakra World Hospital at Bangalore to get treatment for pulmonary disease of Dipak Chattopadhyay, resident of Hooghly, West Bengal. We are attended by Dr. Sachin Kumar who prescribed medicine as well as Pulmonary Rehabi...
28 May, 2019
I have been referred by Dr Sachin Kumar to undergo 18 sitting of rehabilitation course in your department. As required I have completed the full course. During my course I feel the whole staff very cooperative. The course has been attended by staff v...
28 May, 2019
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