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Obesity is a major health problem affecting men, women and children in recent times. Though the term ‘obese’ is loosely used to refer to anyone who looks fat, medically obesity is quantified by one’s Body Mass Index (BMI). Anyone with a BMI >25 Kg/square metre is considered overweight and >30 is considered obese. The table grades obesity into three types.

Underweight<18.5 kg/m2
Normal Weight18.5 - 24.9 kg/m2
Overweight25 - 29.9 kg/m2
Obesity (Class 1)30 - 34.9 kg/m2
Obesity (Class 2)35 - 39.9 kg/m2
Extreme obesity (Class 3)>=40 kg/m2

The problem of obesity has to do a lot with sedentary lifestyles and eating habits. The body's weight is a maintained by a tight balance between how many calories one eats and how many calories one burns. For instance, if one consumes 3000 kcal per day and utilise 2400 kcal, the remaining 600 kcal get stored as fat in the body, to be used later. In the absence of physical activity, this excess body fat never gets burnt. The problem of eating excess calories is the most common cause of obesity. However, there are other factors also that control the body weight - namely, hormones like leptin and ghrelin, genetic risks. There are some medical conditions like hypothyroidism and Cushing's syndrome which can lead to obesity.

Obesity is not merely a problem of external appearance. It is a true medical problem with extreme effects on one's health. A 25-year-old morbidly obese man has a 22% reduction in life expectancy, or 12 years of life lost, compared with a normal-sized man. Untreated, obesity is responsible for a significant proportion of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) including heart disease, diabetes, liver disease, stroke, osteoarthritis and many types of cancer. Excess fat gets deposited in the blood vessels, form an atheroma and can block blood supply. Fat in the cells of the body makes them resistant to the action of blood sugar regulators - leading to diabetes. Fat releases free radicals which damage cells, cause mutations and lead to cancers.

Obesity needs to be considered as a serious health problem and one has to take measures to reduce weight. Brisk exercise like walking or jogging for at least 30 minutes a day can go a long way in reducing weight. A conscious effort is needed to make sure you eat only healthy, freshly cooked food with zero trans-fat. Some people who are morbidly obese (BMI > 40) will need Obesity Surgery(bariatric surgery) to reduce weight. Medical causes of obesity need to be evaluated by a specialist and managed efficiently. However, whatever the situation may be healthy eating habit is a must and if combined with a bit of daily dose of exercise, then it can do wonders.

Obesity Surgery or Bariatric surgery is known to bring multiple benefits. It is very important that your doctor monitors you regularly post-surgery.

What Is Obesity Surgery?

Weight loss strategies

Weight gain is the result of cumulative positive energy intake. If the cumulative intake of calories is more than the expenditure then there is a net weight gain over a period of time. Similarly if the intake is less than the expenditure there is a net weight loss.


Various diets exist to achieve a net energy loss resulting in weight loss. The basis of all these diets is subjecting the body to a cumulative calorie deprivation, forcing it to utilize the stored body fat. Well motivated people have lost significant weight with diet alone, but sustaining the diet pract ices for a long term have proved challenging. Once the period of dieting ends, there is a rebound weight gain. Moreover, as one loses weight, the body goes into an energy conservation mode by lowering its basal metabolic rate, thus making it more difficult to lose further weight.


Regular exercise prevents accumulation of excessive fat, strengthens muscles and bones and promotes a sense of well-being. However, obesity with the attendant heart and lung problems restricts physical movement resulting in inability to exercise. A graded exercise protocol monitored by trained physiotherapist is recommended.

Bariatric surgery

As mentioned above, diet and exercise may not be possible in morbidly obese patients when bariatric surgery may be the only option. With the help of bariatric surgery one can reclaim the quality of life as well as longevity. With this strategy, one can lose up to 50 – 60 % of body weight over a period of 3 months to one year. This weight loss is sustained over a long period with lifestyle rehabilitation.

Team of Obesity Surgery

Sakra World Hospital is one of the best multispeciality hospital where a team of best spine surgeon in Bangalore work together to provide a faster treatment plan for patients suffering from spine problems.

080 4969 4969

SY NO 52/2 & 52/3,
Devarabeesanahalli, Varthur
Hobli, Bangalore- 560 103

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