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GFC treatment in Bangalore

Growth Factor Concentrate Therapy

Growth Factor Concentrate Therapy, often known as GFC treatment, is a focused growth factor preparat...

31 Jan 2023

Top Dentist in Bangalore

Tongue Biting - Causes, Prevention and Treatment

Tongue biting is when a person bites their own tongue, either accidentally or on purpose. T...

31 Jan 2023

dry mouth, dry mouth causes

Dry Mouth - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

What is dry mouth?  Dry mouth, also known as xerosto...

31 Jan 2023


7 Reasons Why Your Child’s Permanent Teeth Are Not Erupting

If a child's permanent teeth are not eruptin...

12 Jan 2023

Fixed Denture or Removable: What Should You Choose?

When we have missing teeth, there is a need to replace them. Missing teeth will cause probl...

16 Aug 2022

best ENT doctor in Bangalore

Monkeypox: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Monkeypox is considered a rare medical phenomenon that is caused by the monkeypox virus. Th...

26 Jul 2022

Health Checkup