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Watch out the risk factors and early signs of Cervical Cancer for timely prevention

20th May, 2021

cervical cancer specialist in bangalore

According to the latest report, cervical cancer is a growing concern for women's health in India and affecting around 1,22,844 women every year. In fact, India accounts for approximately one-third of the global cervical cancer-related deaths. Cervical cancer begins due to abnormal growth of cells (dysplasia) in the cervix, which connects the uterus with the vagina. The development of this cancer often takes several years. It has been observed that unawareness about identifying the risk factors and the initial symptoms results in delayed detection of the condition among women resulting in significant mortality. So, it is necessary for women to be aware of the common risk factors and signs or symptoms in order to be able to prevent or detect cancer early to avoid fatalities. Sakra World Hospital provides the best cervical cancer treatment in Bangalore, due to its availability of specialists and experts in the treatment of cervical cancer, and advanced modalities of diagnosis & treatment.

The risk factors of cervical cancer

  • Human papillomavirus (HPV): HPV, a sexually transmitted infection that can be passed between people through skin-to-skin contact. It can also be transmitted during direct sexual contact, including oral, vaginal and anal sex, which is one of the most common risk factors for having cervical cancer. There are several strains of HPV out of which some are low-risk while others such as HPV 16 and HPV 18 are most associated with cervical cancer. These strains target the tissues in the cervix and over a period cause changes in the cervix cells and lesions that develop into cancer. 

  • Other sexually transmitted diseases: Apart from HPV, other sexually transmitted diseases such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) also weaken the body’s immune system and make it difficult to fight cancer or infections like HPV. Women suffering from Chlamydia, which is also a sexually transmitted disease caused by an asymptomatic bacterial infection can also lead to cervical cancer. 

  • Lifestyle habits: Certain lifestyle habits like using tobacco products and smoking can higher the risk twice for a woman to develop cervical cancer. Not only does smoking decrease the ability of the body's immune system to fight cancer-causing infections but also introduces cancer-causing chemicals in the body. Increased number of sexual partners and becoming sexually active at an early age. Women who are obese or take low fruits and vegetable-based diets have more risk of developing certain kinds of cervical cancer. So, diet plays an important role in developing cervical cancer. 

  • Reproductive health medications: Women using oral contraceptive pills containing synthetic versions of the hormones estrogen and progesterone for a prolonged period are at higher risk of having cervical cancer compared to those not using oral contraceptive pills. 

  • Other risk factors: Women who have had more than three full-term pregnancies or were younger than 17 during their first pregnancy are at higher risk of developing cervical cancer. 

Common symptoms of cervical cancer

The most common signs and symptoms of cervical cancer include:

  • Unexpected vaginal bleeding, such as after sex, after menopause, between periods, or after a pelvic exam

  • Blood spots or light bleeding between periods

  • Heavy menstrual bleeding for a longer period than usual

  • Weight loss and lack of appetite

  • Fatigue

  • Pain during sexual intercourse

  • Unexplained or persistent pelvic or back pain

If you experience any of these symptoms then consult a cervical cancer specialist in Bangalore or visit the best cancer hospital in Bangalore for cervical cancer treatment.

Preventing cervical cancer

Here are a few tips that can help in preventing cervical cancer:

  • Go for period checkups that help doctors to detect early abnormal cells and act before the development of cervical cancer.

  • Lifestyle change, having safe sex and use protection during intercourse.

  • Getting vaccinated

  • Quit smoking and avoiding thing which is known to cause cancer

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Dr. Shanthala Thuppanna

Visiting Consultant - OBG

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