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Teething Syndrome: When Do Babies Start Teething

26th Oct, 2021

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Teething is the process by which a baby's teeth erupt. We usually term it as a breakthrough. Teeth develop at the age between 6 to 24 months. The first set of primary teeth occur when the child is almost 3 years old. The first primary set of teeth includes 20 teeth.

Teething is a tough phase, for both parents and the child. Taking care of your child’s oral health from infancy onward is the best way to maintain oral health for life! 

While this phase of teething is difficult, it is not unmanageable. Wondering how you can help your child during the teeth process? There are ways you can use to help your child get more comfortable during the teething process. You can take care of this at home, but if there are signs that seem unusual, you must visit a paediatrician.

Let’s understand the baby teething timeline - 

Babies are born with all of their teeth beneath their gums. These teeth emerge from the gums in stages.

  • Around 3 - 6 Months: During this period, you may find the baby drooling and showing signs of discomfort. That does not always mean a tooth is about to erupt. It can also mean that the baby is showing signs of early teething and gum sensitivity early on. Make sure to focus on comforting the pain during this period.

  • 6 -12 Months: This is typically the time the First Tooth will arrive. The first tooth to arrive will be one of the bottom front teeth, followed by the four front upper teeth (central and lateral incisors). 

  • 12 Months: This is the time the molars will start making their way. Remember, molars can also be very painful, so parents may notice the baby having the same symptoms as they did during the 3 - 6 months period such as excessive drooling and irritability. Canines — the teeth between incisors and molars, will also appear around this time.

  • 12 - 36 Months: Children have two sets of molars, so once the first set appears around age 1, it’s time for the second set to make their way through as they approach age 2. By the age of 3, most of the teeth will have erupted. 

2-3 years is not the standard age, but an average. There are some children who may get their full sets of teeth after 2 years of age and there are some who may have delayed eruption. Consult your paediatric accordingly.

Teething Symptoms in Babies

Every infant has different symptoms during teething. However, the most common symptoms are as follows:

  • Mild irritability

  • Lack of appetite

  • Drooling

  • Chewing on solid objects

  • Mild fussiness and crankiness

  • Sore and tender gums

  • Red and swollen gums 

In rare cases, the child may not have any symptoms, which is normal. What’s not normal is having the above symptoms along with a high fever or diarrhoea or rash.

If your baby has any of these symptoms while teething and continues to be cranky and uncomfortable, it is best to immediately consult your paediatrician. 

If you are looking for the best hospital for teething syndrome in Bangalore, then contact us we have the best pediatric dentist who offers the best teething syndrome treatment in Bangalore.

How to soothe sore gums for babies? 

Consider the following simple tips if your teething baby seems to be in discomfort:

  • To rub your baby's gums, use a clean finger or wet gauze. The pressure can ease the discomfort.

  • Use a cold spoon or a chilled teething ring (do not use a frozen ring). This can soothe the baby's gums.

  • If the baby is too cranky, visit your doctor. 

What treatments should I avoid for teething symptoms to be reduced? 

Providing the right comfort and treatment during teething is crucial. To keep your baby safe, avoid using:

  • Over-the-counter remedies

  • Avoid gels and teething tablets

  • Avoid pain relievers

  • Teething necklaces or anklets. These items carry a risk of choking or mouth injury and at times, an infection. 

A dental checkup is recommended for a child usually after 6 months or after the first tooth erupts. Having regular early checkups ensures your child’s teeth are developing in a healthy way, which will also prevent dental problems later in life.

At Sakra, you’ll find a team of best pediatric dentist in bangalore


Dr. Balasubramanya K.V

HOD & Senior Consultant - Periodontics

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