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Erectile Dysfunction - What is the Spectrum of Treatment?

Erectile dysfunction is a medical condition that involves the incapacity to attain or uphold an erec...

9 May 2023

Renal Transplantation - Why It’s Better than Dialysis

Renal transplantation is a medical procedure that involves transplanting a healthy kidney from a don...

4 May 2023

bph treatment ,prostate laser therapy ,laser treatment for bph

Prostate Cancer - Who Needs Treatment?

Prostate cancer refers to a form of cancer that develops within the male reproductive system&#39...

27 Mar 2023

Pediatric Urology Surgeon Bangalore

13-year-old boy unable to voluntarily control his urination goes through a unique surgery and gets a fresh lease of life

Imagine the misery, a 13-year-old boy has to go through, if he is unable to control his uri...

20 May 2021

What You Need to Know About Kidney Transplant

What You Need to Know About Kidney Transplant

The kidneys are parts of your body whose function is to filter and remove excess waste, min...

5 Feb 2019

 Kidney Disease Treatment in Bangalore, India | Obesity Treatment in Bangalore - Sakra World Hospital

Obesity and Kidney Diseases

Kidney Disease is often thought to be a rare occurrence and one can really not see it comin...

14 Mar 2017

Health Checkup