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Fixed Denture or Removable: What Should You Choose?

16th Aug, 2022

When we have missing teeth, there is a need to replace them. Missing teeth will cause problems like difficulty in eating, speech, migration and rotation of adjacent teeth. It would also affect the chewing load on the remaining teeth as force distribution changes accordingly. Replacement of missing teeth with artificial teeth is commonly referred to as dentures, and it can be of two types; Fixed dentures and Removable Dentures. 

What Is A Fixed Denture? 

Dentures are artificial replacements of natural missing teeth to restore teeth' structure and function. The denture fixed by the dental professionals and which cannot be removed by us is called a Fixed denture or bridge. 

When Should You Get A Fixed Denture? 

To know the favourable conditions where you can get a fixed denture from the best dentist in Bangalore, let's get aware of the factors considered by professionals,

  • Less number of teeth are missing. 
  • Presence of firm adjacent teeth. 
  • Physically challenged people can find it difficult to maintain removable dentures. 

When Should You Avoid Fixed Dentures? 

There are certain conditions when we cannot choose to get a fixed denture even when we wish to. Likewise, there are certain conditions where the Fixed denture would not be a choice for a long-term cure. 

  • People with gum diseases 
  • Very young patients 
  • Many missing teeth 
  • Missing teeth on both sides 
  • Mentally sensitive people who cannot tolerate invasive treatment 
  • If missing teeth are at the utmost corner 
  • Very old people 
  • People with long-term diseases

What Should You Expect From Fixed Dentures? 

When you have a fixed denture from a good dental hospital in Bangalore, you should not feel anything different from having natural teeth. 

  • You should be able to chew your food. 
  • You should not have any pain in the treated tooth. 
  • There should be no food getting stuck into the denture. 
  • You should not feel your denture to be something not part of adjacent teeth. 

What Is Done To Fix a Fixed Denture? 

Support from adjacent teeth is required when fixing a denture. First, the supporting teeth are reduced in size and, in some cases, they are treated with root canal treatment to avoid infections. Next, a bridge covering the missing tooth is prepared. Finally, the entire bridge is fixed in space. 

What Is A Removable Denture? 

A removable denture is a replacement of missing teeth by a denture which can easily be removed and placed back in the mouth by your dentist. It helps in restoring the purpose of missing teeth as well as gums as it has an extension of artificial gums. 

When Should You Get a Removable Denture? 

The following criteria should be considered when deciding whether to take a removable denture or a fixed one. 

  • When there are multiple teeth missing. 
  • Young and very old people. 
  • Teeth missing at utmost corners. 
  • Teeth missing on both the sides 
  • Immediate replacement. 

When Should You Avoid Removable Dentures? 

Some conditions do not favour the usage of removable dentures. We need to know them to decide the type of denture best for us. 

  • A large tongue would push away the denture. 
  • Mentally challenged people cannot be guided to use the removable denture.
  • People with poor oral hygiene.

What Should You Expect From Removable Dentures? 

There are certain limitations of the artificial replacement of teeth by removable dentures and some practices to inculcate denture wearers for the denture to last long and be efficient.

  • Your denture should restore the function of normal teeth. 
  • Removable dentures should be stable and allow proper speech. 
  • The denture should not pinch anywhere in the mouth. 
  • Dentures should be kept clean and you should allow your mouth to be free of dentures at times when you sleep. 
  • Always keep your dentures in water so it does not get shrunk. 
  • You will have to develop a practice to remove and place your denture on your own.

How Is Your Removable Denture Made? 

There is no change done to the existing teeth in this type of denture. 

  • An impression material is used to create an impression of the dental structures which includes the areas involving the missing teeth and adjacent structures.
  • Impression material is something like toothpaste and will be put into your mouth for a while to set. 
  • This replica of your mouth will then be used to construct your denture. 

Removable or Fixed Denture: Which Is Better? 

There is no clear answer, in general, to say which one is better. It depends on person to person as to what would be their best choice. Choosing the denture cannot be just a desire to get one but it depends on the oral and general health of the patient. If you want a fixed denture only and insist to get one despite having severe gum diseases then it is very much possible for the professionals to do that but the consequences can be a failure of this treatment very shortly. 

We can only say that knowing the facts and expectations from the denture would help us make a wise decision on choosing the denture but it is always best to hear out your dentist, weigh the pros and cons and it is always best to trust your dentist's advice as they would know the factors to be considered in much more detail and would make it easier for you to decide. 


Q.1 Which denture should we choose if there are moving teeth in an area adjacent to missing teeth? 

Ans. The condition indicates gum diseases and you should go for removable dentures.

Q.2 Is a Fixed denture worth compromising my sound tooth structure?

Ans. Your missing teeth can cause many other dental problems and if your sound tooth structure is going to be treated replacing the missing one is not being compromised but being used for a bigger cause. 

Q.3 Does a removable denture not increase the task of removing and placing it and always select the fixed one? 

Ans. Yes, removable dentures come with their limitation so it does increase the task but it is practically not possible to get a fixed denture as a replacement. 

Q.4 Can I get a fixed denture if my last tooth is missing? 

Ans. Yes, you can but not by the conventional type of dentures but with the advancement of implant-supported dentures. 

Q.5 Which among fixed and removable dentures is best to restore front missing teeth?

Ans. There is not much difference in the aesthetic part of removable or fixed dentures. You can choose any of those. The fixed denture does not come with gum extension so it has a little edge over removable and can be considered as a factor while deciding.


Dr. Ramya

Visiting Consultant - Prosthodontics

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