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Bleeding Gums: Causes and Treatment

26th Oct, 2021

bleeding gums treatment in Bangalore

Gum bleeding is common and most of the time, not very serious. Bleeding gums are inflamed or irritated pink tissue around the mouth which bleeds easily. After brushing or flossing, an individual may notice blood, such as blood on the toothbrush or in the sink which may irritate sensitive gums. Plaque or tartar buildup is the most common cause of bleeding gums. These substances promote the growth of bacteria along the gum line. However, it is important to note that sometimes, frequent bleeding gums can denote an underlying concern.

A few more reasons for frequent bleeding may include: 

  • Periodontitis (an advanced form of gum disease) 

  • Leukaemia (blood cancer) 

  • Lack of clotting cells (platelets) 

  • Vitamin deficiency 

Sign and symptoms of Bleeding Gums:

  • A pink or red coloured stain on your toothbrush after brushing

  • Seeing pink or red in chewing gums when you spit out

  • Blood is visible on teeth or lips

  • Blood traces can be seen when you spit out your saliva

  • Mouth Sores 

  • Lump on gums 

  • Loose teeth or teeth appear longer

  • Receding gums

  • Excessive pain when chewing or eating crunchy foods

  • Gum bleeding takes place only at night

What are the Causes of Bleeding Gums?

  • Brushing teeth in a harsh or abrasive manner 

  • Using a toothbrush with hard bristles

  • Dentures or retainers which are not well-fitted 

  • Bacterial infection in the tooth or gums

  • Hereditary

  • Use of Blood-thinning medicines

  • Gum bleeding is also caused due to poor lifestyle choices such as poor eating habits.

  • Consuming a lot of sugary foods like sweets, candies and not maintaining proper dental hygiene makes a way for bacteria growth and swollen gums

  • Cigarette smoking irritates the gums and causes bleeding

  • Gingivitis

  • Periodontitis

  • Diabetes

At Sakra, we care and understand your fears about your gum disease. We provide the best bleeding gums treatment in Bangalore thorugh pain-free laser technology. Book an appointment now.

Treatment for Bleeding Gums - How to stop bleeding gums? 

The main reason for bleeding gums is inadequate oral health care which leads to bleeding gums and if not taken care of, can cause major oral health concerns. There are ways that will help one to improve oral health care and vanish bleeding gums.

  • Brushing regularly and Flossing Daily: First and foremost, one needs to take care of the toothbrush bristles - they need to be soft. Brushing twice a day, at least for 2 minutes will help stimulate your gums, it will strengthen the tissues and prevent bleeding gums. Flossing helps in removing plaque and food particles that are stuck under the gum line which could otherwise lead to bleeding gums. Improving flossing technique and replacing toothbrushes every two months will help to keep gums healthy.

  • Avoid Tobacco and Smoking: Tobacco and smoking are one of the major causes of gum problems so avoiding them to stop bleeding gums is very important. The use of tobacco makes it harder for the body to fight plaque-formed bacteria.

  • Regular Dental Visits: Regular dental cleaning at a dental clinic is very essential. This is because it cleans the plaque formation and tartar which cannot be done at home. By cleaning at a dental office your mouth tends to be more healthy. Professional cleaning by a dentist at least twice a year prevents gum disease at an early age.

  • Maintaining a Balanced Lifestyle: Eating a nutritious and well-balanced diet is important. Eat foods that are rich in vitamin C and K like oranges, carrots, spinach, etc. Reducing anxiety and stress can also aid in the prevention of gum bleeding. Wondering how?

  • Stress has a negative impact on the immune system, which weakens the body to such an extent that the body is unable to fight any gum infection which can lead to bleeding gums.

  • Use of medications: Use antibiotics pills or antiseptic mouthwash to maintain your oral hygiene. In case the gums have become a little inflamed but are not bleeding, antibacterial mouthwash, toothpaste or oral gel can help you fight the onset of the infection and prevent bleeding gums. Consult your dental hygienist. 

Sakra is one of the best bleeding gums hospital in Bangalore. Our dental professionals will first examine and check the cause of the bleeding. They will diagnose and find if the bleeding is due to simple irritation or if there is an underlying concern. Based on the findings, our experts will formulate the treatment and inform you about the further steps to be taken.

Our dental professionals at Sakra will make sure to provide you with the best dental treatments to help you ease your bleeding gums and inflammation. Do not miss out on your next dental appointment.

Looking for a top dental specialist in Bangalore for all your dental needs? We are right here!



Dr. Balasubramanya K.V

HOD & Senior Consultant - Periodontics

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