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7th May, 2021
What is Black fungus?
It’s a fungal infection called Mucormycosis which affects an immuno-compromised person having illnesses like diabetes, kidney failure, cirrhosis of the liver, taking steroids, on chemotherapy, or an organ transplant patient. It’s on an increase recently due to the COVID SARS-2 prevalence. COVID infection affects the immune system and also the person would have been treated with steroids and other medications. It’s an aggressive, life-threatening condition.
Where Mucor is usually found?
It’s usually found in the soil, dead decaying organic matter, in the air, cow dung. It can enter the body when we inhale the spores of this fungus or through a cut in the skin.
What are the symptoms?
Usually seen in a person who has recovered from COVID and is otherwise symptom-free for few weeks. The patient may present with nasal discomfort, loss of sensation of the nose or the face, facial swelling, discoloration/blackening of the skin, headache, swelling of the eye, blurring of vision, or blindness. Rapid progression of the disease is characteristic of Mucormycosis.
How does the infection spread?
Once it enters the tissues it affects the blood vessels and starts spreading through them leaving behind dead tissue. In the head and neck region, the most common entry point is the nose and then it spreads to the sinuses and the eye. Sometimes discomfort and swelling of the eye can be the first symptom. Through the eye, it gains rapid entry into the brain.
What are the usual investigations done?
A nasal swab or a biopsy would be taken to look for the fungal strands of Mucormycosis, KOH stain is done to identify this fungus. Blood tests are done to check the status of the sugar, kidney function, serum electrolytes, and blood counts for infection.
Are scans needed for diagnosis?
CT scan PNS is usually done to identify the sinus disease. MRI orbit and brain is done to look for the extent of involvement.
What is the treatment?
The key for control of this infection is a high grade of suspicion to detect it at the earliest, immediate intravenous antifungal (amphotericin B) is started and continued for few weeks and thorough surgical debridement of the dead and infected tissue including the skin, bone, eye, etc. Repeated debridement might be required.
The prognosis is bad. Early detection and intervention are the keys to control. Prognosis is bad once it spreads to the brain.
If you have comorbidities and you have been infected with COVID-19, then it is very likely that you may get a fungal infection called Mucormycosis. Mucormycosis treatment in India usually includes antifungal medicines given through a vein or by mouth. If you are looking for a mucormycosis treatment hospital in Bangalore then visit Sakra World Hospital, we have the best doctors on board to treat your fungal infection with the help of medicine or surgical debridement. We are providing black fungal infection treatment in Bangalore with all the protective measures taken to reduce the risk of COVID-19. We are following all the guidelines provided by the government to maintain social distancing.
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