Home/Testimonials/We had a unique experience here and now we are more confident to fight this disease

We had a unique experience here and now we are more confident to fight this disease

<p>I, Dipak Chattopadhyay, came to Sakra World Hospital at Bangalore to get treatment for pulmonary disease of Dipak Chattopadhyay, resident of Hooghly, West Bengal. We are attended by Dr. Sachin Kumar who prescribed medicine as well as Pulmonary Rehabilitation treatment under the able guidance of Ms Komal Agarwal. We attended the for five days. We had a unique experience here. Ms. Komal on the very first day assured us even if attend the session for one she is still ready to serve us with her full team. She is as soft as her name suggests (Komal means soft), very assuring supportive, competent to manage gracefully all types of situations. Her whole team to name a few, Mr. Karthik, Ms. Prajakta, Ms. Archana, Ms. Reshma, Ms. Vani, and Ms. Jamuna all are dedicated to the patients.&nbsp;</p> <p>Dipak Chatopadhyay enjoyed all the test, advice, guidance, I became a more confident person to fight with the disease. I now know fully the meaning of Rehabilitation with the help of the team in Sakra Hospital. In short we found a home away from home.&nbsp;</p> <p>We wish all success of the Rehab family if which we have become a part.</p>

28 May 2019

Health Checkup