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Thanks to the Physiotherapist for their rehabilitation therapy

<p>Sir,</p> <p>&nbsp;I am Ashok. V. Nesargi, a COPD patient of Dr. Sachin Kumar. I joined Pulmonary Rehabilitation on Doctor&rsquo;s advice.I was reluctant to take the therapy because I was apprehensive that it may not work out beneficial. However, I decided to take rehabilitation therapy at the rate of 3 sessions per week.</p> <p>Being a COPD patient, breathlessness constrained my routine activities.&nbsp; &nbsp;Oxygen supply was required for almost 16 to 18 hours daily. As the physiotherapy sessions progressed my condition started improving. First 10 sessions were difficult. Later on as the sessions continued my breathing condition and endurance improved a lot.</p> <p>After 19 sessions I am happy to say that my movements are not restricted now. My dependence on oxygen supply is reduced considerably.</p> <p>I would like to thank Ms.Komal Agrawal, Cardio Pulmonary Physiotherapist &amp; Mr. Karthik, Yoga Therapist, for their interest, encouragement and the workout they planned to help me overcome my condition of breathlessness and improve endurance ability.&nbsp;</p> <p>Regards,</p> <p>Ashok Nesargi</p>

4 Sep 2019

Health Checkup