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Thankful to the Physiotherapist for helping me improve my health quickly

<p>Dear Mr.Saril, This is for your kind information that, I was under going therapy sessions in your facility during the period from 11th Apr. to 30th May-2019. I would like to share with you my personal experience &amp; the benefits what I got while attending the therapy sessions.</p> <p>I am a 76 yr. old male, maintaining average health with regular practice of yoga, pranayama etc&nbsp; &nbsp;I don&rsquo;t suffer from ailments like Diabetics or Hypertension. It was middle of March 2019 I had experienced low intensity remittent type of fever, initially I was treated with generique medicines for common cold &amp; influenza, but when it didn&rsquo;t respond to it, I had no option than to visit Sakra World Hospital OPD &amp; consulted Dr. Subroto Das (Internal medicines) According to his advice, I took admit ion on 28th of March, 2019 for further investigation &amp; treatment.</p> <p>Subsequently It was diagnosed that I was suffering from N.S.I.P.&amp; accordingly treatments started and after observing improvements, I was discharged on 30thMar.-2019.</p> <p>There after, I was having follow up treatments under Dr.Sachin Kumar (Dept.of Pulmonology).&nbsp; Dr.Sachin advised me to undergo physio therapy along with medications for better results. Initially I was reluctant to go for it, but ultimately I opted for the same. After few sessions I myself could feel the difference in ease of breathing &amp; increase in physical endurance &amp; stamina level. This was possible due to the fact that the volume of air I could inhale has significantly increased due to enhanced lung capacity, resulting increase in Oxygen saturation level in my blood stream. Even after physical exhaustion, oxygen saturation level was within the normal range, compared to earlier,under similar conditions.</p> <p>Personally I am thankful to the team of physio therapist who attended to me &amp; helped me to practice the relevant exercises. My sincere thanks to Mr.Rohit Sinha, Mr.Kartik &amp; Ms.Komal Agarwal, who continuously monitored my performances &amp; improvements on every sessions, which motivated me to stretch my self a little to perform at the next level. After completion of 18 sessions of physio therapy, I am confident that I will be able to live my normal life &amp; attend to my day to day activities as before. Currently&nbsp; I am in Danville (California) spending good times with my family.</p>

3 Sep 2019

Health Checkup