Home/Testimonials/Smooth experience with the Dermatology department at Sakra World Hospital

Smooth experience with the Dermatology department at Sakra World Hospital

<p>&ldquo;Initially had an appointment with the Dermatologist, smooth registration, no long waiting time. After a thorough inspection, he gave me two options. Referral to the Plastic surgeon, Dr. Rajendra G. Again smooth transfer, first examination by Dr. Muddappa, diagnosis and outline of the proposed procedure. Final examination by Dr. Rajendra, he gave detailed description of the procedure, with possible side effects. Operation time and date agreed upon. The following day I came for the operation, due to emergencies longer waiting time for the admission in the Daycare. So the operation began at 11:45am. The Daycare close to the ER dept. was not very comfortable, with minimum privacy, visitors go in and out.</p> <p>In Summary, all staff very friendly, polite, providing all information. Operation theatre staff , anesthesiology team all were excellent, very responsive and caring.</p> <p>Treatment by Dr. Rajendra and his team was excellent indeed.&rdquo;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Reviewer Name &ndash; Dr. Johann Peter Steinmann (Germany)</p>

4 Sep 2019

Health Checkup