Home/Testimonials/had i gone for regular checkups and properly managed my hypertension, I could have prevented this

had i gone for regular checkups and properly managed my hypertension, I could have prevented this

<p>&ldquo;in 2007 I was diagnosed with hypertension during a regular health checkup. I was prescribed hypertensive medicines but I did not monitor my blood pressure very regularly. I continued taking the same medicine for 2 years without checking if my blood pressure was under control. Then one day in 2009, I suddenly started feeling nauseous, developed swelling in my legs and I was feeling very uncomfortable. When I consulted the doctors I was told that I was already at Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 5, where there was no going back and I my only choice was to start with dialysis immediately. So the primary symptoms that the doctors suspected was most likely uncontrolled hypertension which damaged the kidneys to the level of CKD stage 5 and no recovery was possible. The doctors told me that if I had gone for regular checkups and properly managed my hypertension, I could have prevented this or at least delayed it significantly for a few more years. I have been on dialysis for almost 8 years now. I had no family history of diabetes or hypertension and I still do not have diabetes but hypertension continues even today. I wish I was more aware and careful and would advise everyone to know their risks and to take care of any conditions like hypertension or diabetes and keep it under control. Often people don&rsquo;t get to know when they develop these problems due to their busy and stressful lives, but once you have it detected please ensure that you take proper medication, regular checkups and adopt a lifestyle to keep these conditions under control to prevent any damage to the internal organs especially the kidneys which can get severely impacted by diabetes and hypertension.&rdquo;</p>

13 Mar 2017

Health Checkup