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Before I came to Sakra World Hospital, I couldn't eat or speak but now I'm cured!

<p>On 4th November 2016, I had undergone a surgery for carotid body tumor. After the surgery I went into dysphagia , something which I had not seen or even heard of. Imagine not being able to eat or drink or even swallow your own saliva. I did as advised by doctors, but to no avail . I went for swallowing therapy but this stopped abruptly due to electrolyte imbalance and hospitalisation. I visited my native place, Kerala and underwent homeo treatment as well. During the course of the treatment my voice came back but still I was not able to take a drop of water orally.&nbsp; Though the doctor insisted that I continue the treatment, I was eager to get back to Bangalore. My wife started searching the internet to find a solution for my problem.&nbsp; She could locate Sakra World Hospital at Marathahalli, Bengaluru which offered advanced surgical techniques. We consulted the ENT specialist Dr. Shantanu&nbsp; Tandon. He performed an eventless myotomy and advised that I undergo swallowing therapy.&nbsp; Ms. Raheela Baksh the Speech&nbsp; and Language pathologist took up my case from June 2017. With continuous&nbsp; swallowing practice I started showing improvement slowly but steadily. Finally I started having one meal orally in Jan , 2018 . I credit my recovery to Raheela Baksh&nbsp; who was kind, patient and determined After fourteen months of therapy I started taking water and small quantity of food.&nbsp; It is difficult&nbsp; to find someone with her compassion and skill set . Had I not met her or be encouraged&nbsp; by her I probably would have resigned to fate . No doctor assured me of being able to eat once again. Thank you Raheela , I eat every day slowly and safely and I am off the PEG tube . God Bless You !</p> <p>Sakra Hospital should be proud to have Raheela in their staff list. She deserves to be felicitated and my story told to many. Dysphagia needs to be spoken about and given due attention.</p>

15 Nov 2018

Health Checkup