Home/Wellness Zone/Sakra Rx Videos/ World Stroke Day: Dr. Roopa Seshadri on Life-Saving Stroke Treatments | Sakra World Hospital
World Stroke Day, observed on October 29th, raises awareness of the serious impact of strokes and the importance of timely intervention. Dr. Roopa Seshadri, Senior Consultant in Neuro & Stroke Intervention, shares three critical insights everyone should know about strokes. First, the paralysis caused by a stroke can often be reversed, or at least its severity reduced, through an advanced procedure called Mechanical Thrombectomy. This specialized treatment is performed by highly skilled interventional neuroradiologists, who access the blocked blood vessel in the brain to restore blood flow and reduce paralysis. However, speed is essential—this procedure must be done as soon as possible after paralysis onset, as delayed action can lead to irreversible neuron loss. Join Dr. Roopa in understanding how prompt and advanced treatment can make all the difference. Visit Sakra World Hospital for expert stroke care and support that could change the life of someone you love. Visit Our Hospital Website: https://www.sakraworldhospital.com/ Follow Us On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sakrahospital Follow Us On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SakraBangalore Follow Us On Twitter: https://twitter.com/SakraHospital Follow Us On LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sakra-world-hospital/
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