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Understanding Shoulder Injuries: Insights from Dr. Banarji at Sakra World Hospital

Dr. Banarji, shoulder specialist at Sakra World Hospital, sheds light on shoulder injuries and their various types. These injuries can occur during sports activities or as a result of accidents. Beyond fractures and dislocations, the shoulder joint is susceptible to numerous conditions, ranging from rotator cuff tears to labrum injuries. Watch the video to discover the other types of shoulder injuries and learn how the experts at Sakra World Hospital are equipped to provide comprehensive medical care tailored to your needs. About Sakra World Hospital: Sakra World Hospital is the Best Multispecialty Hospital In Bangalore. With over 200+ doctors with expertise across the healthcare sector, Sakra World Hospital has existed for over 5 years as the leading multi-specialty hospital in Bangalore. With over 35 specialties, Sakra World Hospital is located at Marathahalli and has been holding its position as the best hospital in Bangalore since its existence. Visit Our Hospital Website: https://www.sakraworldhospital.com/ Follow Us On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sakrahospital Follow Us On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SakraBangalore Follow Us On Twitter: https://twitter.com/SakraHospital Follow Us On LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sakra-world-hospital/

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