Home/Wellness Zone/Sakra Rx Videos/ Stroke Treatment: Life-Saving Clot-Busting Injections | Dr. Amit Kulkarni | Sakra World Hospital

Stroke Treatment: Life-Saving Clot-Busting Injections | Dr. Amit Kulkarni | Sakra World Hospital

Understanding the critical window in stroke treatment can make all the difference. Dr. Amit Kulkarni, Senior Consultant & Lead in Neurology & Stroke at Sakra World Hospital, sheds light on the life-saving potential of clot-busting injections. When a stroke patient arrives within the crucial first 4-5 hours, they may be eligible for an intravenous clot-buster injection, provided there are no contraindications. Watch the full video to learn more about this vital treatment and how our experts at Sakra World Hospital are paving the way for healthier lives. Visit Our Hospital Website: https://www.sakraworldhospital.com/ Follow Us On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sakrahospital Follow Us On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SakraBangalore Follow Us On Twitter: https://twitter.com/SakraHospital Follow Us On LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sakra-world-hospital/

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