Home/Wellness Zone/Sakra Rx Videos/ Heart Attack Symptoms Explained by Dr. P Ashok Kumar | Key Insights for Heart Health

Heart Attack Symptoms Explained by Dr. P Ashok Kumar | Key Insights for Heart Health

In this video, Dr. P Ashok Kumar, Senior Consultant - Interventional Cardiologist & Heart Failure Specialist at Sakra World Hospital, shares key insights on recognizing the symptoms of a heart attack. Common heart attack symptoms include: Retro-sternal pain Heaviness behind the sternum Discomfort in the center of the chest Sweating, fatigue, and lightheadedness Difficulty breathing If you or someone you know experiences these symptoms, it's crucial to seek medical attention immediately. Young individuals should not ignore these signs either. Early detection and annual checkups can help save lives. For more expert advice on heart health, subscribe to our channel and stay informed! #WorldHeartDay #HeartHealth #EveryBeatCounts #ExpertAdvice #Cardiology #SakraWorldHospital #HeartAttackSymptoms #HealthAwarene 

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