Home/News & Events/ Doctors at Sakra World Hospital saves an extreme preterm baby born with multiple life-threatening complications Or A baby who was born extremely preterm and with numerous serious health issues is saved by doctors.
January 24, 2023: Losing hope of saving a patient, even if born extreme preterm, is never an option for doctors at Sakra World Hospital, one of Bangalore’s leading hospitals. Nikhil (name changed), born in August 2022 in an extreme preterm condition, weighing only about half a kilogram with multiple other complications including jaundice, hernia, thyroidism and anemia has been successfully treated by team of doctors, led by Dr Ravi Kiran S, Senior Consultant – Pediatrics & Neonatology at Sakra World Hospital.
According to World Health Organization, an estimated 15 million babies are known to born too early every year caused due to spontaneous preterm labor, medical complications during pregnancy, etc. It is also reported that approximately 1 million children die each year owing to the complications due to pre-term birth and that three quarters of such deaths can be prevented with proper cost-effective care and with suboptimal use of technology. In case of Nikhil, he was born by emergency Lower (uterine)segment Caesarean section (LSCS) and was intubated immediately. Upon shifting him to NICU, Nikhil was put on ventilator as respiratory distress was noticed in his chest X-ray. He also showed signs of different types of health complications over the period of time in the NICU and got tactfully treated for infection in the blood or sepsis, short breathing or apnea of prematurity, Broncho Pulmonary Dysplasia or lung not completely formed in the womb, anemia that required blood transfusion, neonatal jaundice for which he had to kept on intermittent phototherapy, Suspected NEC, Congenital Hypothyroidism and Left Inguinal Hernia for which Herniotomy was also done. Nikhil was finally discharged in January’23 when his condition was stable, weighing around 1.8 kgs.
Dr Ravi Kiran S, Senior Consultant – Pediatrics & Neonatology at Sakra World Hospital said, “Nikhil was born at 27+1 weeks and wasn’t fully developed as he should have been at that stage. We see children being preterm and with certain levels of complications, but Nikhil was different. No doubt that he is a wonder child who, despite all the complications, responded to our treatment and has now gone home in a stable condition, thanks to the superior scientifically augmented infrastructure that we have at Sakra’s Pediatric & Pediatric Superspecialty department.”
He continued, “Our NICU is equipped with <….add specific data>. Although Nikhil still needs to be monitored for danger signs like poor feeding, looking pale and yellow, labored breathing, bluish discoloration of body extremities and poor activities and must be rushed for checkups immediately, we are hopeful of steady growth and recovery in the time to come.”
Thanking the doctors at Sakra World Hospital, Kamya, Nikhil’s mother said, “I sincerely thank the doctors at Sakra World Hospital who helped my son survive. With the number of complications that he was born, it broke our hearts, but the doctors ensured that Nikhil got the best treatment. After four months of hard work by them, he is now recovering well, and we are celebrating his magical and miraculous existence in our lives every moment.”
24 Jan 2023
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