Home/Key Procedures/Pituitary Tumors and Surgery
About Sakra Institute of Neuroscience
The Sakra Institute of Neuroscience offers the most innovative, advanced treatments and therapies for all diseases of the nervous system. We have one of the most comprehensive programs in the country, featuring world-renowned specialists who perform advanced procedures from spine surgery to endoscopic skull base surgery.
The unit is headed by Dr. Satish Rudrappa, (Director of Institute of Neurosciences, Senior Consultant Neurosurgery & Head - Department of Spine Surgery at Sakra World Hospital, Bangalore) and comprises of Dr. Swaroop Gopal (Senior Consultant - Neuro Surgery & Director – Neurosciences) & Dr N. Chandrashekar (Consultant - Brain & Spine Surgeries and Neuro Trauma). The team of specialists with a combined experience of more than 35 years has performed over 40,000 surgeries with a remarkable rate of success that has enabled patients to return back to their daily routine in a matter of few days.
The Department of Neurosurgery at Sakra is one of the leading edges of treating neurological conditions using the latest innovations and techniques in neurosurgery such as Neuro Navigation system, Biplane Hybrid OT, Endoscopic Neurosurgery theatre, Spine Surgery theatre with image guidance and Deep Brain Stimulation surgery as well as Epilepsy Surgery procedures.
Q - What is the pituitary gland?
The pituitary gland is a pea-sized hormonal gland located in the base of the skull and behind the eyes. It is connected to the brain by a stalk. It is called the master gland of the body because of the ability to control various other systems.
The pituitary gland controls a number of different hormones (chemicals) affecting different body systems. These include: cortisol (a steroid hormone, which is responsible for a wide range of body functions); thyroid hormone (which controls your metabolic rate); sex hormones (for reproduction); prolactin (for breast milk production in women); growth hormone (for growth during childhood and adolescence) and anti-diuretic hormone (for water balance).
Q - What are pituitary tumors?
Pituitary tumors, also known as ‘adenomas’, are benign (non-cancerous) growths of the pituitary gland. These tumors can be functional or non-functional.
Functional tumors secrete hormones in excess. The commonest is a prolactin-producing tumor (also called ‘prolactinoma’) which manifests as abnormal milk discharge from the breasts and stoppage of normal menstrual cycles. Tumors which produce excess steroid hormones (Cushing’s disease’) lead to hypertension, psychological disturbances, and typical features- obesity, moon's face, pigmentation marks in abdomen, tumors producing excess growth hormones lead to gigantism in children & acromegaly in adults with swelling of hands and feet, nose.
Non-functional pituitary tumors tend to grow large and compress on the optic nerves, thus affecting the eyesight. It can also cause damage to the surrounding normal pituitary tissue and result in the deficiency of some or all of the hormones produced by the pituitary gland.
Q - Are Pituitary tumors common?
Pituitary tumors can occur at any age (including in children), but they are most often found in older adults. Most tumors are benign pituitary adenomas, very few pituitary tumors are cancers.
Q - What are the symptoms of a tumor on the pituitary gland?
Q - Is pituitary tumor curable?
Most pituitary tumors are curable. If a pituitary tumor is diagnosed early, the outlook for recovery is usually excellent. However, if tumors grow large enough, or grow rapidly, they are more likely to cause problems and will be more difficult to treat.
Q - What happens if a pituitary tumor goes untreated?
It is always important to keep in mind that all large pituitary adenomas are not cancer, but if left untreated, it can cause serious illness because of its effects on the normal pituitary gland, optic nerves, and brain.
Q - Why is a pituitary surgery needed?
Surgery is the best possible treatment for pituitary tumors with success rates of more than 90%. However, surgery is not indicated for prolactinomas as these tumors melt with medical treatment with drugs.
In the case of residual tumors or tumors located in critical areas, radiosurgery is considered as a safe and effective treatment.
Q - What does pituitary surgery involve?
Surgery is the primary treatment of pituitary tumors. Most operations on the pituitary gland are carried out through the nose using a microscope or an endoscope. This gives the surgeons easy access to the gland with minimal injury to the patient. It is called ‘trans-nasal, trans – sphenoidal surgery’. Occasionally, the surgeon may need to reach the tumour by exposing the brain through the skull. This is called ‘trans-cranial surgery’. 95% of pituitary tumors can be managed through the ‘trans-nasal’ route.
Q - What are the benefits of a ‘trans-nasal surgery’?–
Q - What happens after pituitary tumor removal?
The patient must not try to blow his or her nose for a few weeks after surgery. This allows the site where the surgery was done to heal. Often patients will feel nauseated for the first day after surgery. This can occur because blood from the surgery drips down the throat and into the stomach.
Q - How long does it take to recover from pituitary tumor surgery?
If operated through the skull, patient might feel tired for couple of weeks after surgery. Patient may also have mild headaches or problem concentrating. It can take up to 6 weeks to fully recover. The cuts the doctor made (incisions) may be sore for about 5 days after surgery.
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