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Colonoscopy can help doctors diagnose the reasons for unexplained changes in bowel habits, abdominal pain, bleeding from the anus & more. Colorectal surgeons at Sakra perform a high volume of colonoscopies annually with a use of absolutely painless and appropriate sedatives which would make the patient journey easier and the also work of the physician. It is generally an outpatient procedure which might require clinic stay for 1 to 2 hours.

We use the most advanced technologies for colonoscopy, which can improve detection of polyps and reduce inconvenience for patients who need colon cancer screening. The advanced retro-scope helps our physicians overcome “blind spots” to get a complete view of the colon to identify polyps previously hidden on the back side of folds in the colon which would help in improving the polyp detection by 10 percent.

Our specialist in gastroenterology procedures, Dr. Sadiq Sikora, MS, FACS, FRCS, Director of gastrointestinal surgery, Institute of digestive and hepatobiliary sciences, Sakra has a vast 25 experience of conducting surgical procedures which include surgery for the colorectal disorders pertaining to the colonoscopy. His major contributions are in the area of bile duct injury repairs, biliary and pancreatic cancers, and innovative techniques in esophagus resection, pancreatic surgery, and hepaticojejunostomy.

What is Colonoscopy?

The inner lining of the large intestine that includes rectum and colon can be viewed by the test -Colonoscopy. The colon can be looked up with the use of a thin flexible tube which is termed as a colonoscope. Tumors, colon polyps, ulcers, bleeding points and areas of inflammation can be found with the use of colonoscopy. Using biopsy, tissue sample having abnormal growths can be collected during colonoscopy. The cancers in the colon and rectum also can be checked by the colonoscopy, hence it is also a screening test for colonic tumors.

The colonoscope a 48-72 inches long thin flexible tube is attached to a small video camera which allows to click pictures and video of the large intestine specifically colon. Colon and small intestine’s terminal part can be viewed through a colonoscope. The lower part of the colon and the image of the rectum is shown by the test- sigmoidoscopy.

What are the medical uses of colonoscopy?

1. To detect gastrointestinal hemorrhage
2. Used in diagnosing colon cancer and colonic polyps
3. Used in the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel diseases
4. Evaluation of altered bowel habits
5. Evaluation of anemia
6. A routine part of colonoscopy is polypectomy which allows the removal of polyps

  1. .For placing stents, removing polyps, resecting early tumors, clipping of bleeding vessels, cauterization of bleeding surfaces in colon

How is colonoscopy performed in children?

  1. Performing of colonoscopy involves the preparation step which suggests cleansing of the colon from solid matter before performing the colonoscopy. In order to achieve this, the patient is expected to follow low fiber diet or liquid diet. During the entire procedure of colonoscopy, the patient is expected to remain hydrated.
  2. A solution of polyethylene glycol and electrolytes are usually administered to patients a day before colonoscopy to irrigate the whole bowel. Alternatively, laxative preparations are also given.
  3. Sedatives are often administered to patients intravenously in the beginning of the procedure.
  4. To confirm if the preparation is adequate, Digital examination of the rectum is the first step which helps to determine the nature of sphincter. Anus, rectum and colon and terminal ileum are visualized by passing an endoscope which has a movable tip which helps to pass through them.
  5. To visualize any abnormalities related to mucosal morphology additionally a dye is sprayed in the bowel wall via the endoscope. This procedure is known as chromoendoscopy.
  6. Laser light, a cut using electric wire can be used to treat suspicious lesions.
  7. A cut is generally done for biopsies or for polypectomy.
  8. The entire procedure of colonoscopy take approximately 20-30 minutes.

There are no prominent side effects with the colonoscopy, however bloating, abdominal pain are common experiences after the performance of colonoscopy.

Post-procedure precautions:

  1. You may experience mild cramps or bloating immediately after the procedure which is a normal occurrence
  2. No food restrictions are required and you can consume normal food the same day
  3. You may also resume normal day-to-day activities the same day
  4. If you were administered with sedatives, avoid driving or using heavy machinery till the next day
  5. Rarely bleeding may occur at the site of the biopsy or due to a tear in the wall of the intestines. If such a complication arises, the surgeon may have to repair the tears through surgical intervention or can be managed endoscopically in certain cases.

If you notice severe abdominal pain, fevers, chills or excessive bleeding from the rectum, immediately seek medical attention.


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