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Diagnostic laparoscopy

This is a surgical procedure to view the female reproductive organ using a laparoscope passed through a small incision in the abdomen. Female pelvic laparoscopy is recommended when other imaging test fails to confirm the cause of the condition. Diagnostic laparoscopy is used to find pelvic and abdominal pain cause, tissue mass, fallopian tube blockages, infertility causes, and pelvic inflammatory disease.


This is a surgical procedure involving a fiber-optic instrument inserted through the abdominal wall to view internal organs.

Laparoscopic hysterectomy

Hysterectomy is the most common surgery performed in women, which involves removal of the uterus. The surgery is performed using a laparoscope, where a camera is mounted on the tube to view and separate the uterus from attachment. Laparoscopic hysterectomy is efficient, safe, and requires smaller incisions on the abdomen which gives faster recovery.

Indications of hysterectomy

Hysteroscopy is recommended for benign diseases such as:

  • Leiomyomas (fibroids) which are causing severe symptoms and in women who have completed family planning.
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding not responding to medical management.
  • Endometriosis: in the presence of severe symptoms with the failure of other options.
  • Pelvic organ prolapse: in these cases, hysterectomy should include associated pelvic organ supporting procedures.
  • Pelvic pain when medical treatment failed cancerous disease- early endometrial and cervical cancer

Laparoscopic myomectomy

Uterine fibroids are abnormal growths of the uterus mostly during a woman’s childbearing age 

Myomectomy is a surgical procedure used in the removal of uterine fibroids (abnormal growth). Myomectomy is recommended to remove fibroids causing troublesome symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding, prolonged periods, irregular periods, spotting, backache, infertility, and pelvic pain. 

This surgical procedure involves the removal of fibroid through smaller cuts made on the abdomen by inserting a laparoscope. A high-definition camera is attached to the laparoscope to view the fibroid location and to remove it. Laparoscopic myomectomy is patient-friendly, smaller cuts, less blood loss, short stay, and faster recovery.

Laparoscopic ovarian cyst removal

An ovarian cyst is a fluid collection surrounded by a very thin wall, within the ovary. Most (about 95%) are harmless and occurs during the reproductive years.

There are two main types of ovarian cysts, namely, functional cysts which are the most common and form the part of the normal menstrual type and short lived. The other type of ovarian cysts are pathological cysts which are cysts that grow in the ovaries and can be harmless (benign) or cancerous (malignant).

Symptoms of ovarian cyst are mild to severe discomfort in the lower abdomen, fullness in the abdomen, pain during or after menstrual periods, irregular periods, infertility, and urinary or bowel disturbance.

Laparoscopic or keyhole surgery involves removal of cysts through a small incision. The surgery doesn’t cause any side effects to a women’s fertility and the recovery time is quick.

Laparoscopy for prolapse

Uterine prolapse can occur at any age and it affects postmenopausal women with more vaginal deliveries. A majority of women don't require treatment, but if uterine prolapse is disturbing normal life, treatment might be needed.

Signs and symptoms include urinary problems, painful bowel movement, tissue protruding from the vagina, and sexual concerns.

Laparoscopy for prolapse involves repair of weakened pelvic floor tissues by grafting own tissues or artificial mesh to support the pelvic organs. 

Laparoscopy for family planning

A laparoscopic tubal ligation or permanent birth control procedure can be performed for family planning. The surgeon will insert a smaller device for a closer view of the fallopian tubes and a ring is applied to block the fallopian tube. Time taken for the procedure is about 10-15 minutes. 

Laparoscopic recanalization

This is a microsurgical procedure to unblock fallopian tubes in a woman’s reproductive system. A common cause for female infertility is a blockage in the fallopian tubes. It’s a result of debris which is built up. Surgery scarring or serious infection might also be a reason for the blockage. A laparoscopic approach involves fewer surgical incisions and less bleeding.  

Laparoscopy for early endometrial & cervical cancer

The procedure is a preferred option for women with early-stage endometrial cancer and it’s a safer option for early endometrial cancer. Laparoscopy for cervical cancer will be done with or without robotic technology depending upon the location of the tumor and cancer stage.

Team of Laparoscopy Procedure


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